Dictation 8

ELLLO Views #1497 Health Idioms

Listening Review

3:58 ~ 4:39
  • And [ 1 ] different times of our lives we have different periods.
  • When it's better to go to bed [ 2 ] and wake up [ 3 ], and other times...
  • But in general, yes. [ 4 ] medicine talks a lot about their times for the different [ 5 ] that represents organs.
  • So if you are up during the time, these organs do not [ 6 ], they don't repair.


Chinese medicine: 漢方薬
medicine: 医学
meridian: 子午線、経線
rejuvenate: 若返らせる、元気を回復させる、以前の状態にする

1, in
2, early
3, earlier
4, Chinese
5, meridian
6, rejuvenate