Reading 4


  • data driven culture
  • data informed culture
  • data drivenではなく、data informedになるべき
  • ABテスト
  • ファネル

Reading Review

  • And, rightfully, so. Data is based in reality .
  • Sometimes people think the difference between being ‘data driven’ and ‘data informed’ is like potayto potahto.
  • It can have long term effects on your product and the trajectory of your organization.
  • You try a few different variants, and find that the one with clickbaity titles gets the most clicks.
  • Data is an incontrovertible source of truth.
  • When you consider data sacrosanct, you are more likely to fall for the fallacy of measuring a lagging indicator.
  • Your primary instrumented metric of measuring the health of your app is daily and monthly actives, and retention.
  • The change you shipped did increase the complexity of game play, so users are finding it harder to navigate the game.
  • It is too late to stop the churn.
  • The store front is placed very prominently in your app.
  • You measure the conversion funnel for the store front.
  • Disruption of large organizations happens when they ignore or don't notice early trends, and instead rely on existing data.
  • How do you prevent subjectivity in a data informed culture.
  • Play devil's advocate.
  • This is the holy grail that will determine the success of a data informed culture.


rightfully: 当然ながら、正当に、合法に
trajectory: 軌道
variant: (標準から)わずかに異なるもの
clickbite: クリックさせるような扇動的なリンク
bait: 餌 /beɪt/
incontrovertible: 明白な、論争の余地のない
sacrosanct: 不可侵な、きわめて神聖な
fallacy: 誤信、誤った考え
retention: 保持
navigate: 操縦する
churn: かき回す、激しく動く
customer churn: 顧客離れ
prominently: 目立つ
disruption: 混乱
subjectivity: 主観
devil's advocate: 悪魔の代弁者(ディベート等であえて批判や反論をいう人)
holy grail: 至高の目標、聖杯