Listening 6


as of 2018: 2018現在では~
break open: こじ開ける
reclaim: 再利用
make up: 作り上げる
Earth's crust: 地殻
concentration: 濃度
phosphorescent: 燐光を発する(りんこう: 物質が発する光)
conductive property: 伝導性
aid: 援助する
disturb: 乱す、邪魔する、妨害する
feasible: 実行できる、うまくいきそうな
much of the time: 大抵の場合
vast: 莫大
huge swath of natural habitat: 自然生息地の広大な地域
destruction: 破壊
displacement: 立ち退き、強制退去、移動、解雇
entwine: からみつく、巻き付く
inextricably: 密接に
conundrum: 難問
bounty: 報奨金
refurbish: 磨きなおす、一新する
scrutiny: 検討、吟味
dismantling: 解体
disassemble: 分解する、取り外す、逆アセンブル
lead: 鉛
mercury: 水銀
dump site: ゴミ捨て場、投棄場所
assemblage: 集合
unfold: 展開する、広げる
sustainable: 持続可能な

Reading 4


  • data driven culture
  • data informed culture
  • data drivenではなく、data informedになるべき
  • ABテスト
  • ファネル

Reading Review

  • And, rightfully, so. Data is based in reality .
  • Sometimes people think the difference between being ‘data driven’ and ‘data informed’ is like potayto potahto.
  • It can have long term effects on your product and the trajectory of your organization.
  • You try a few different variants, and find that the one with clickbaity titles gets the most clicks.
  • Data is an incontrovertible source of truth.
  • When you consider data sacrosanct, you are more likely to fall for the fallacy of measuring a lagging indicator.
  • Your primary instrumented metric of measuring the health of your app is daily and monthly actives, and retention.
  • The change you shipped did increase the complexity of game play, so users are finding it harder to navigate the game.
  • It is too late to stop the churn.
  • The store front is placed very prominently in your app.
  • You measure the conversion funnel for the store front.
  • Disruption of large organizations happens when they ignore or don't notice early trends, and instead rely on existing data.
  • How do you prevent subjectivity in a data informed culture.
  • Play devil's advocate.
  • This is the holy grail that will determine the success of a data informed culture.
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Reading 2


  • 何かを推測して思い出すことは、記憶の定着に有効


the least effective: 最も効果がない
rote: 機械的

Reading 1


catchy: 受けそうな、人の心をとらえる
distract: そらす、気を散らす
pitfall: 落とし穴
shipping: 運送
diverge: 分岐する
outcome: 結果
bump up: 増やす、上げる
prolific: 多作
verbosely: 長々と、くどくど
type inference: 型推論
decouple: 切り離す
concurrent: 同時の
conversion: 変換
concurrency: 並行性
resemble: 似てる


Dictation 8

ELLLO Views #1497 Health Idioms

Listening Review

3:58 ~ 4:39
  • And [ 1 ] different times of our lives we have different periods.
  • When it's better to go to bed [ 2 ] and wake up [ 3 ], and other times...
  • But in general, yes. [ 4 ] medicine talks a lot about their times for the different [ 5 ] that represents organs.
  • So if you are up during the time, these organs do not [ 6 ], they don't repair.


Chinese medicine: 漢方薬
medicine: 医学
meridian: 子午線、経線
rejuvenate: 若返らせる、元気を回復させる、以前の状態にする

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Dictation 7

ELLLO Views #1497 Health Idioms

Listening Review

3:03 ~ 3:58
  • We talk a little bit about [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] as roots of any health problems.
  • So when you don't have enough [ 3 ] something, or too much [ 3 ] something, both cause problems.
  • Do you think [ 4 ] means?
  • ...some people go to bed late and wake up late and [ 5 ] still productive.


extreme: 極端
toxicity: 毒性
deficiency: 欠乏
worm: (細長く足のない)虫
individualize: 個々に取り扱う、個性を与える

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