Dictation 4

ELLLO Views #1497 Health Idioms

Listening Review

0:00 ~
  • So [ 1 ] here [ 2 ] Olga, and she is a health coach.
  • I totally agree with that, and I [ 3 ] clinical practice to be true.
  • You don't really need [ 4 ] Ph.D [ 5 ] or nutrition.
  • And your body has [ 6 ] knowledge, [ 6 ] wisdom and knows what to...
1:00 ~ 2:00
  • We shouldn't just eat one [ 7 ] food, we want to make sure [ 8 ] very varied food supply [ 9 ] vegetables, fruit...
  • That is actually very interesting because [ 10 ] I was looking into this particuler fruit, [ 10 ] respect [ 11 ] for it.


  • age-old: 古来の、大昔からの
  • throw out: 投げ出す
  • words of wisdom: Experiences and insights from people about life.
  • clinical practice: 臨床診療

1, I'm
2, with
3, see it in
4, to be
5, in healing
6, all the
7, type of
8, we have a
9, of
10, the more
11, I got